Pediatric Urgent Care
Urgent care during office hours: 708-364-1550
Urgent care after hours: 833-490-2997
Urgent Care hours:
Walk ins welcome 8am-11am Monday – Friday
Same day appointments all day
For any life threatening emergency, please call 911.
We will refer patients to the Emergency Department if they are too ill to be managed safely in our office.
When Our Urgent Care Is A First Step
- Fevers in children over 2 months old. Except in young infants, fevers themselves are not emergencies but signs that your child’s immune system is active. If they are breathing comfortably and taking fluids well, we can check them in the office to help determine why they have the fever.
- Minor burns, wounds, and injuries
- Ear pain
- Sore throat
- Rashes and mild skin infections
- Coughs and cold symptoms without labored breathing
- Urinary symptoms and possible urinary tract infections
- Allergies
- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea with no or mild dehydration
- Foreign objects in ears and noses
When The Emergency Room Is Needed
- Your child stops breathing
- Your child is unconscious, and you cannot wake them
- Your child is having severe difficulty breathing or is turning blue/purple with difficulty breathing
- A seizure that lasts 5 minutes or longer without stopping on its own
- Seizure in a child with no prior history of seizure
- A severe allergic reaction with symptoms like difficulty breathing, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the mouth/tongue
- Fever of 100.4 F or higher in an infant younger than 2 months old
- Fever with neck stiffness and headache
- Large wounds that won’t stop bleeding
- Severe burns
- Swallowed objects with difficulty breathing or swallowing
- Difficulty breathing
- Vomiting or diarrhea with signs of dehydration like dry mouth, no tears when crying, significant decrease in urination
- Broken bones
- Poisonings. If you’re not sure, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 for advice.
- Head injury with loss of consciousness
Trust your instinct. This list is not comprehensive. If you think your child’s life is in danger, call 911.
Call us if you’re not sure. A physician or nurse practitioner is available 24/7 to help you determine what is best for your child. After hours, simply call the office number, and you will be connected to our answering service and receive a call back within minutes.
Why Our Patients Should Choose Us For Urgent Care
We offer urgent care to patients of our practice. We strongly recommend that our patients come to our urgent care because:
- We already know your child. We know their health history, medications, allergies, and other important clinical factors.
- We already know you.
- We’re board certified pediatricians. Not all urgent care centers offer pediatricians to pediatric patients. What’s more, we’ve noticed that some urgent care offices over-diagnose ear infections and over prescribe antibiotics for viral illnesses. We know how to handle these.
- We’re available 24 / 7. If you have questions after the urgent care visit. During office hours call us at (708)-364-1550. After hours or before we open, call (833)-490-2997.
Urgent Care Services
Our services include:
- Same day and walk in sick appointments
- In office hemoglobin and blood glucose testing
- Nebulizer treatments for wheezing
- Rapid testing for strep, COVID, flu, RSV, and mono
- Testing for urinary tract infections
- Antibiotic and steroid injections
If your child is experiencing something but you don’t see it on this list, during office hours call us at 708-364-1550.