
As your children are playing outdoors in these summer months, it is important to be proactive in preventing tick exposure and tick bites. Illinois has seen a rise in tick illness due to the warmer summer months we have experienced thus far. Ticks are mainly active outdoors in wooded areas, but most people are actually […]

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Most of the time a child is sick, he or she does not need an antibiotic. The vast majority of childhood illness are caused by viruses, which do not respond to antibiotics. If your child has a virus, antibiotics cannot make them better.  Viral illnesses include all colds as well as the flu and most cases of

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Whooping Cough

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious illness caused by the bacteria Bordatella pertussis.  It is spread from person to person, usually through coughing or sneezing.  The bacteria, which only infects humans, releases toxins which damage the respiratory tract.   Pertussis usually starts with symptoms that are identical to the common cold:  congestion, runny nose,

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Stomach Flu Vs. Flu

The differences between the Stomach Flu and the Influenza “Flu” People often get confused about the difference between the stomach flu and influenza. Stomach Flu The stomach flu actually refers to gastroenteritis or irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines (the gastrointestinal tract).  Signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis usually consist of vomiting and diarrhea,

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Eczema is a chronic disease of the skin causing dry, itchy, irritated skin.  Many infants and children diagnosed with eczema, also have hay fever, food allergies and asthma.  The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but the condition tends to run in families.  Occasionally, certain triggers will make eczema worse. Triggers may be certain foods,

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Concerned About Vaccines? This Should Ease Your Mind.

A new report on the safety of vaccines recommended for children aged six years and younger, conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), reveals some comforting news on vaccines for children under age 6, including DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcal, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), and varicella vaccines. The

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What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the lungs. Asthma causes inflammation in the lungs and narrows the airways. Symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing; which are common in an asthma attack. Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning or in response to

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The Facts & Stats on MMR

Due to a recent outbreak, mumps has been in the news lately. This once common viral illness is now rare as a result of widespread use of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Unfortunately, with vaccination rates declining, mumps and other preventable illnesses are making a comeback. In the first four months of this

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